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Direct Heating and Plumbing implement Open ECX to unlock purchase-to-pay efficiencies through digital ways of working.
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The Business:
Direct Heating and Plumbing

With over 35 years of industry experience, Direct Heating and Plumbing are one of the UK’s leading heating and plumbing specialists. Providing an expansive range of boiler spares, heating parts, heating control systems and plumbing and central heating systems, the business has experienced significant growth in recent years, and now operates out of 5 branches nationwide.

Direct Heating and Plumbing recognised that their business growth was increasing the number of supplier invoices and customer orders they were receiving, and through their current manual ways of working, it was creating a significant strain on their internal team. They also recognised that a digital solution would future proof the business, as it could be scaled to grow alongside their business and cope with any influx of transactions

The Requirements:
Remove Inaccuracies

Manually processing invoices and orders was a time-consuming task, and it often resulted in inaccuracies and errors. The priority for Direct Heating and Plumbing when looking for a new solution was accuracy, as this would drive efficiencies across the business and remove the need for manual intervention from their staff, freeing them up to work on more value-added tasks.

With over 1000 businesses in their supply chain, all of which vary in size and technical capability, it was also imperative that the new solution did not impact their customers and suppliers, or require them to change their current systems or processes.

Direct Heating and Plumbing use Intact as their ERP system, so a seamless integration with this back-office system was also imperative.

Customers and suppliers wouldn’t even know we use these solutions. It’s so seamless, customers know orders will be processed correctly, and suppliers know invoices will be processed in good time.
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Direct Heating & Plumbing Case Study Solution Image

The Solution:
Electronic Invoicing and Ordering 

Processing their supplier invoices and customer orders electronically through Open ECX has allowed Direct Heating and Plumbing to vastly improve their business efficiencies, removing transaction delays and inaccuracies. Open ECX has provided the business with the high levels of accuracy they required, the benefits of which are being passed onto their suppliers and customers, with invoices consistently paid on time and orders processed correctly.

Through using Open ECX, Direct Heating and Plumbing have saved six hours of time a day for their staff, resulting in considerable cost-savings, and allowing them to focus their efforts on more value-added tasks such as active selling with customers. Another huge benefit for Direct Heating and Plumbing is that, unlike legacy EDI solutions, Open ECX did not require their supply chain to make technical changes.

On top of this, Open ECX are experts at integrating into the majority of back-office systems, and with many customers using Intact, the team delivered a quick and seamless integration.

We’ve saved six hours of staff time a day using Open ECX. The associated cost-savings cover the solution, and we’re able to redeploy staff into more valuable tasks, such as active-selling with our customers.
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